평생학습프로그램 수강신청입니다.
평생학습 프로그램 신청시에 1인당 3개의 강좌만 신청이 가능 합니다. 수강 신청시 반드시 수강 과목을 클릭하여 강좌 정보를 확인 후 신청 바랍니다.
회원가입 후 수강신청 가능합니다(타인명의 접수불가, 반드시 본인 이름으로 접수)
: 영어회화기초
: 무료
: 2012.08.27~2012.12.10(15주)
: 시민어학능력향상
: 제천시민
: 무료
: 유형원
/ 월 10:00~12:00
: 641-4841,4842
: 배움3실
: 무료
: 20명
(접수인원 : 0명)
** 교 재 명 crazy english 저자: 리양(중국인) 출판사: 신화교육
** 강의목표
약 10개 나라가 영어를 국어로 사용하며 International official Language(국제 공용어)이며 제천은 국제행사가 있고,
외국인과 대화 목적
** 수강생 준비사항 - 교재비 : 34,000원
*** 교육 계획서 ***
1주 08/27 chapter1 May I have your name? Where are you from?
2주 09/03 chapter2 What do you do for a living? How is your business going?
3주 09/10 chapter3 I want to thank you for encouraging me to study English.
4주 09/17 chapter4 Excuse me. Can you help me? I got lost.
5주 09/24 chapter5 Are you interested in learning English?
Sure. I really want to speak English well.
6주 10/08 chapter6 What cities have you been to in Korea? I have been to Pusan.
7주 10/15 chapter7 May I speak to James? Speaking. Who's calling?
8주 10/22 chapter8 How come you look so tired? Would you like some coffe or tea?
9주 10/29 chapter9 What can I do for you? I'm just looking around.
10주 11/05 chapter10 What's the matter? What's the problem?
11주 11/12 chapter11 May I take your order? Oh, sorry. I haven't decided yet
12주 11/19 chapter12 Can I make a reservation? For how many people sir?
13주 11/26 chapter13 Let's go to see a movie tonight. What kind of movie do you like?
14주 12/3 chapter14 Do you want me to take a picture of you? Yes, Pleaes.
15주 12/10 chapter15 Would you like to go out for lunch? Sure. I'd love to.
** 강의목표
약 10개 나라가 영어를 국어로 사용하며 International official Language(국제 공용어)이며 제천은 국제행사가 있고,
외국인과 대화 목적
** 수강생 준비사항 - 교재비 : 34,000원
*** 교육 계획서 ***
1주 08/27 chapter1 May I have your name? Where are you from?
2주 09/03 chapter2 What do you do for a living? How is your business going?
3주 09/10 chapter3 I want to thank you for encouraging me to study English.
4주 09/17 chapter4 Excuse me. Can you help me? I got lost.
5주 09/24 chapter5 Are you interested in learning English?
Sure. I really want to speak English well.
6주 10/08 chapter6 What cities have you been to in Korea? I have been to Pusan.
7주 10/15 chapter7 May I speak to James? Speaking. Who's calling?
8주 10/22 chapter8 How come you look so tired? Would you like some coffe or tea?
9주 10/29 chapter9 What can I do for you? I'm just looking around.
10주 11/05 chapter10 What's the matter? What's the problem?
11주 11/12 chapter11 May I take your order? Oh, sorry. I haven't decided yet
12주 11/19 chapter12 Can I make a reservation? For how many people sir?
13주 11/26 chapter13 Let's go to see a movie tonight. What kind of movie do you like?
14주 12/3 chapter14 Do you want me to take a picture of you? Yes, Pleaes.
15주 12/10 chapter15 Would you like to go out for lunch? Sure. I'd love to.
- 담당제천시평생학습관
- 전화043)641-5491/2
- 팩스043)641-5169
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